• KIMA Monthly Millitary & National Security

    KIMA Monthly Millitary & National Security

    Arms race in AI area among the major military powers
    Arms race in AI area among the major military powers
    Author Á¤ÃáÀÏ
    Source Vol. 73
    Year of publication March 2024

    Military pundits agree on that a full-out AI arms race has begun since the mid-2010s while many countries are jumping into competition in developing and deploying advanced artificial intelligence weapons. Particularly, the top three military powers, the U.S., China and Russia, are fiercely competing for technological supremacy in lethal autonomous weapon systems such as killer robots. However, artificial intelli­gence can be a double-edged sword that can beget either boon or bane to human. This is why an immediate task may be how to form up a global mechanism containing and controlling dangers AI can pose. This seems to be a difficult challenge since Russia and China oppose it by arguing that such a global governance can contribute to technologi­cal hegemony of particular nations. 

    Senior researcher in non-resident
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